Growing Up

Total Body & Life Transformation – Part 3

Cleaning Up Review

The Process of Growing Up

Growing up is a continual process of evolving your relationship to your body, emotions, mind, culture, and other people.

Growing up moves you from egocentric
and selfish ways of thinking to more
conscious, complex, and cooperative ways
of behaving in the world.

Robert Kegan of Harvard University, describe the process of adult growth and development into more complex awareness as a matter of becoming aware of what previously shaped perception: the subject of one level becomes the object of the subject of the next higher level.

How I Can Help You Grow Up

A year from now, what do you want to be able to do that you can’t do at the moment? How about 3 years from now? Or 10?

Coaching will help you get a clear vision of your future. Not the limited or superficial future you think you want, but the real heart-driven, purpose-filled future that you feel called to create.

More importantly, my coaching will help you figure out not just what you truly want in life, but who you need to become in order to have that experience.

buddha head growth
Photo by Céline Haeberly on Unsplash


Working together, we will identify where you’re currently stifled in your development and design pathways for you to grow up.

You will learn growing-up skills such as:

  • The shift from “either, or” to “both and…”
  • The practice that will set you free: LOLA
  • How developmental lines and levels can guide your growth.
  • How to subject-object shift to regain control of what you used to be oblivious about.
  • Leveraging your strengths and talents to turbocharge your growth.

If you’re ready to become a highly evolved version of yourself, message me about private coaching.

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