Turn The Page: How To Bring Your Best To 2021

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Why Next Year Needs The Best Of You 

This 4-part workshop series is designed to teach you how to end this year and ground yourself in hard realities of the present while opening next year with your best foot forward — no strings attached.

Our plan is to help you unfreeze the deep reservoir of energy you have within so you can step forward with confidence and focus. 

Our mission is to make you happier and healthier moving forward than you were looking back.

Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll learn in our workshops… 

Acceptance. Letting Go. Wise Intention. Skillful Action. 

These are the 4 pillars we focus on in the workshop that empower you to get back into the flow of high-performance, meaningful action, and better health.  

Pillar #1: Acceptance

  1. How you can stop fighting the reality of now.
  2. Why acceptance is not passive resignation. 
  3. How acceptance unlocks your energy to move forward.

Pillar #2: Letting Go

  1. Why we’re like monkeys with our hands trapped in the coconut!
  2. How to identify unfinished business and decide what to drop.
  3. The benefits of creating space where busyness used to take root. 

Pillar #3: Wise Intention  

  1. How to put your inner critic in service of your wiser self.
  2. Daily practices to help attune to your intuition towards hope and write your best story for the new yar.
  3. Writing down the deeper values and intentions that you want to give room in 2021.

Pillar #4: Skillful Action

  1. Not all action is created equal — How to put your energy behind intentional goals instead of swirling in a storm of scarcity-minded reaction.
  2. How to develop resolve and grit to keep you committed when the going gets tough.
  3. Creating daily and weekly practices will set your course towards hope and energize the start of 2021. 

If you want to dive DEEPER into these areas and get into the “How do I put this into my life?”, we have put it all together for you. All you need to do is show up.

>> Secure your spot here now!! <<

Workshop Schedule

All Workshops Take Place 7:15-8:15PM EST

  • Workshop #1: December 14th
  • Workshop #2: December 21st
  • Workshop #3: January 11th
  • Workshop #4: January 18th


  • $25 for a single workshop drop-in
  • $50 for all 4 workshops

By applying the four pillars you’ll learn in the “Turning The Page” workshop series, you can close out this chapter and step into the new year ready for courageous and hopeful action.

See you soon,

~ Pete & Jeff ~ 

Pete Kadushin, PhD, Mental Performance Coach

& Jeff Siegel, M.Ed , Wellness Coach  

Jeff Siegel
Jeff Siegel, M.Ed, is a health and wellness coach, Harvard University mindfulness instructor, and personal trainer.

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